Puppy Questionnaire
Mt N Sea Breeze Tibetan Terrier
Name: Address: City/State/Zip code Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email : How did you learn about the breed? Have you researched or are you aware of their health and training issues? Type of Dwelling If renting give Name and address of Landlord Who will be the primary care giver? Where wil the puppy be kept during the day? during the night? How many hours on average will the puppy be left alone? Have you every owned a dog before? Do you have a fenced yard? Will you be using a crate for training? Does anyone in your household have allergies? If yes how severe? Have you consulted with your allergist about getting a dog? Are you interested in a male ? female? puppy? older dog? color preference? Will you be willing to attend puppy kindergarten classes? Do you understand the difference between a limited registration and full registration? What are the ages of your children? Who referred you? Do you have any questions for me? Thank you for your time and patience Mt N Sea Breeze Tibetan Terrier’s